Students will learn about the natural and human-induced processes that shape coastal systems and discover how the Gold Coast has changed in the past. They will then hear from some experts in coastal geography about how the famous coastal city is expected to change in the future. Ideal for both international and regional Australian schools, our Coastal Processes Virtual Excursion offers an alternative to preliminary geographic or scientific field work and encourages the development of investigative enquiry, data analysis and interpretation skills. It can be used to complement a chosen unit (as a case study) or offered as an extension activity. Some schools choose to use our Virtual Coastal Processes Excursion as a supplementary activity for excursions to the Gold Coast! Second Nature offers local insight into an exciting and unique environment that is now accessible to everyone. Always wanted to visit the Sunshine State’s second largest tourism destination? Let us take you there!
This experience follows a 5-module structure, which is outlined below:
Module 1: Introduction to Coastal Systems
Module 2: Measuring Coastal Processes
Module 3: Change in Coastal Systems
Module 4: Management of Coastal Systems
Module 5: The Future of Gold Coast Beaches
Each module contains multiple videos between 5 and 15 minutes long with questions and supplementary activities that test students’ comprehension of each video.
Our Coastal Processes Virtual Excursion was designed with several units of the Australian Curriculum in mind. It covers content integral to both Year 8 and Year 10 Geography and Science units, following a logical progression from simplified explanations about coastal processes to detailed information about the management and future of Gold Coast beaches. Different year levels may choose to emphasize or omit modules accordingly. This experience can be delivered to complement the following units or modules:
This experience is available now through the EdX online learning platform at a cost of $10/student. This price includes access to videos, work booklets, teacher manuals, vocabulary slideshows and additional resources. We also offer live sessions to solidify course content and facilitate discussions. Discounts are available for schools using this experience to supplement one of our Gold Coast excursion experiences.
More information about the course is available on our EdX dashboard. Click the link below: